To enjoy free shipping on your first local order, input “WELCOME” under “Discount Code” at checkout. The offer is valid with a minimum spend of $19 on this website.

Terms and Conditions

1) The welcome offer can only be used once by new customers who have subscribed to NCI’s mailing list, and it is applicable to local orders only.

2) The welcome offer only applies to purchases made on the NCI Official Website.

3) The welcome offer cannot be claimed after completing the purchase or combined with any other promotions or birthday benefits.

4) Orders placed using WELCOME will be dispatched using our leave-package-at-the doorstep delivery service.

5) Suppose NCI believes the use of the welcome code involves an act of fraudulent,
dishonest and/or abuse; NCI will take all necessary measures to suspend or
remove any accounts we deem may be linked to you or forfeit the points you have
accumulated in NCI membership system without any notice.

6) NCI reserves the right to cancel, alter or amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. The decision of NCI Health is final and binding in all matters relating to the welcome offer.